Sunday, December 1, 2024




I would like to think this rage began in November

But it was here all along

It lives deep within me, like magma boiling below the Earth’s crust

It may lie dormant for a time

But eventually it bursts out of me, a volcanic eruption that I cannot seem to control

So often leaving me feeling ashamed and repentant

But you can’t stuff the lava back into the volcano

And even if you could, it has already burnt everyone around you

Like the volcanic crater, I am left singed and scarred inside where no one can see

And the ashes will continue to darken my skies for a long time to come



When you said that I was innocent

I wanted nothing more than to prove you wrong

I thought innocence was a stain that everyone could see


Only when it was truly gone did I realize

Innocence is what draws unicorns to you

But also predators