I go for a walk
Trying to clear my head and air out these winterized bones
I watch the ducks floating along the stream beside the path
They are calm, peaceful, letting the water glide over their feathers
And I am like a duck, letting all this slide off me
Continuing along my path, untroubled
But I’m not untroubled
Because yesterday’s troubles still haven’t gone
And today the world has turned inside out
And I walk along, trying to maintain normalcy somehow
And a man jogs past and I wave
Even as I hold my breath, knowing it’s senseless
But each time I pass someone I do it anyway
Wave and hold my breath until they pass
And I think of the ducks and I tell myself to be calm
Just let it all float past
But my ankle aches, and I worry
I watch my footing carefully
What if I fell? What if I broke my ankle and had to go to the hospital?
It’s not safe
Nothing is safe
And I think of the ducks
And I think of them furiously paddling beneath the calm surface of the water
And I am like a duck
Trying to keep calm outwardly while inside I am paddling furiously
Just trying to stay afloat